Select Read only check box, if you do not want to update the blacklist. The new term will appear in the glossary as shown in the screenshot below. Only then will I erase all marked entries that remain". If a filter is set, only some entries are visible. The Tab-delimited Text format is selected in the "File type" drop-down option list. Most of TUs are very unkikely to be re-used, while a minority of them will. This means that WFC has recognised that these terms are present in the glossary 1. wordfast glossary

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And in no case can AFTR be used for "autoassembly" schemes, or be a substitute for machine translation. Do not overload glossaries with common source language terms.

Using Wordfast Pro and Classic Glossaries

Click Apply and OK. The Preferences Filtered Terminology dialog box appears. Click Synchronization to synchronize any added terms glssary the glossary. That glossary-level setting supersedes the entry-level setting.

Glossaries Wordfast Classic - Wordfast Wiki

A two-directional arrow appears. The Wordfast Anywhere details appear. Enter the source term, or the target term, and an optional comment. You can even set color schemes to immediately spot from which glossary a term has been recognised. To continue and add text to the target field, keep the Add to Glossary dialog box open. A report appears showing the number of terms added, updated or removed.

The Edit entry dialog box appears. If multiple Project Short Codes are needed, separate them with a comma. Delete all TUs that have a usage counter of less than 3.

Glossaries Wordfast Classic

A blacklist includes words or phrases that should not be used in the target segment. The new term is added. In the If term already exists prompt, s elect an action to perform if there is an overlap between the existing and new terminology list. Enter the necessary changes and click Modify. In this new document, type a short series of source terms followed by a tabulator press the tabulator keyfollowed by their translation, then Enter, as in the following example:.

Here is a sample English-French glossary:.

A blacklist includes words or phrases that should not be used in the target segment. Select Create new Glossary if you are importing the first terminology file for the project. Double-click the term you want to modify.

Importing and exporting glossaries

Close the glossary document. A glossary is a list of source terms and their preferred translations. This filter can be run if the TM does not perform well, or before storing or archiving a TM.

wordfast glossary

Exports the current file to the TMX format. In the target segment, place the cursor at the location where you want the translated term to appear.

But when looking up terms, WFC will load the term, plus 50 terms before and after the found term, for reference. From then on, during a translation session, when the translator validates a translation, WFC will look for each source term in the source segment.

wordfast glossary

If it fails to do so, it will warn the user, giving a choice of editing the translation or ignoring the warning.

The terms will still be highlighted for the currently selected segment. Click the Wordfast Anywhere tab. Only then will I erase all marked entries that remain". The WFServer details appear. This will make WFC sort the glossary on source terms, and index all entries.
